Single Lamp High Output UV Xterior (SLX) mounted Fixture is the most affordable, effective, efficient, and reliable product in the industry. The SLX is constructed of premium materials with heavy gauge steel for sustainability in all environments. It’s 120-240V power supply is waterproof and UV-C germicidal lamps are high output PEP encapsulated, high-efficiency, low-waste content products that surpass today’s environmental standards.
Single Lamp UV also benefits from ease of installation and low cost, the UV installation can be simply mounted and connectivity is a breeze. This all combines to make AES’ UV range of products and systems the user’s choice for UV-C for today’s HVAC/R equipment.
The Single Lamp High Output UV SLX fixture meets all ASHRAE guidelines and is suitable for most all indoor UV-C applications. It installs from the exterior of HVAC equipment, or, in ducts to achieve the specified irradiance. A variety of lamp sizes ranging from 16” to 48” combined with a smart multi-voltage (120-240V) power supply allow for an easy installation in nearly any application.
The UV-Com can accept up to eight (8) lamps/ballast combinations via the replicator and produces a single output signal to the BMS. The distinct advantage of this is the minimization of the number of direct connections made to a BMS. While monitoring and control of the lamp can be performed remotely.