Bag Filters

The extensive range of AES Environmental Bag Filters includes products from the Email Air Handling, Vokes and Clyde-Apac range. Those products range in efficiencies and cover a wide range of applications.

Email products are suited to low efficiency applications and make for excellent pre-filters, particularly in Industrial and General HVAC applications where initial filtration of outside air is essential. These filters are suited to high-dust, low-operational cost applications.

Clyde-Apac and Vokes products complete the medium to high efficiency range. These products are suited as mid-t0-final stage filters and are designed for protection of critical infrastructure and personnel in challenging environments.

Duovee & Triovee Filters

    Low Pressure Drop
    Perfect as Pre-Filter
    High Dust Holding Capacity

Fourpeak Filters

    High-performance Deep Bed Filter
    General Purpose Air Filter
    Cost Effective

Interpocket Filters

    Medium to High Efficiency Filtration
    Available In A Range of Sizes And Pocket Configurations
    Provide Minimal Resistance While Optimising Dust Hold Capacity

Multi-peak Filters

    Low Operation Cost
    Compact and Economical General-Purpose Filter
    Simple Servicing

Pyracone & Pyracube Filters

    Deep Bed Filters
    Ideal for General-Purpose Filters
    Offer Superior Performance to Typical Roll Type and Metal Viscous Filters

Univee 2 Filters

    Provides High Dust Holding Capacity
    Provide Two stages of Air Filtration
    Provides Flexibility in operations and Utilisation of Space

Vokes Univee 4 Filters

    Fit Most Sizes and Makes of Frames
    Self Supporting
    Suitable for Variable Air Volume Systems